


Intimacy means so many different things to so many different people. However to women, I find that we all view it the exact same way. It’s something that we believe should be cherished and kept close, only reserved for the people we love. The people that we find deserving of the intimacy we as women possess. It stands to reason then, why it can be so irritating when the significant others in our lives don’t value or understand something we hold so close. In light of that, keep reading as I explore a few things: Why women value intimacy so much (for my male readers), What intimacy means to us females (for my babes), and how knowledge of both can create magic in your current or next relationship. 

For starters, intimacy is more than sex. It’s honestly childish and immature to think that in order to be intimate with someone you have to be sexually involved.

You really don’t have to be y’all.

Intimacy can be found in the way you speak to the one you love. Or the way you look at them, or touch them. It’s the creation and maintenance of trust. Your actions and how you show them you care holds so much more weight than how great you screw them. It’s the sole reason why women value intimacy so much. Us women need intimacy. We need to feel like the men we’re with want us for more than what we provide sexually. That they want to be with us because we bring something to the table that can’t be easily attained outside of us. As they choose to forgo meaningless encounters in order to nurture something they believe is worthwhile.

Couldn’t you then understand why us women value intimacy so damn much?

Intimacy is something that women will always crave and/or desire. I’d like to think that it’s a biological need that doesn’t just go away. It didn’t stop when we did not fail to thrive after leaving infantry status ladies.

Nope, quite the opposite actually.

The need to be intimate with others continued and with that, intensified as a result.

As a woman myself, I am very aware of the weight intimacy holds in my relationships. Call it the Scorpio in me, or a woman who knows what she wants in her man. I’m not for the rara bullshit that this era has turned relationships or being with someone into. What I mean by that is, I’m not for the being together and not having an actual intimate connection — one rooted in trust, honesty, touch, and so forth.

If we can’t connect by way of just simply talking, what do we have to hold on to? What do we have to fight for when things get tough?

I’ll tell you what, not a damn thing.

It’s a wonder relationships built on sex alone, don’t end up sticking around for the long haul.

If men took out the time to understand the level of intimacy us women crave. Just as us women made it clear what we need… The right pieces have no choice but to come together and from there a healthy and progressive relationship will happen.

To us all, finding the intimacy we need and deserve from the ones we love everyday and always,


friendly reminder, new blog posts on With Love, Thelms every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for you babes’ viewing pleasure.




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