

life after graduation

Life after graduating has been different to say the least. It’s been a welcome adjustment, but still an adjustment nonetheless.

Waking up and knowing I have absolutely nothing to do this past week has been one of the best feelings in the world. Sometimes, I wake up and for the most split of seconds I forget that there is absolutely nothing required of me. Then I remember and smile so hard. & damn if I don’t smile hard af for the rest of the morning because after 20+ years of school, all roads have led to this. Don’t get me wrong, I have every intention of going back to school, but a few years off will surely do your girl some good.

The entire time I was in nursing school, I always wondered what it would feel like to be done. To feel how I feel this morning as I write this post to you all. To finally achieve a goal I laid out for myself since high school when I realized it was something I wanted to achieve. I’d like to think that besides wanting to be a nurse, the feeling of finally reaching completion is what kept me motivated. It kept my hustle sharp and focused.

Then I finished. I walked across that stage and secured the bag LOL. I got my hands on the degree that I had worked so hard for. However, my achievements didn’t end there. I had one more thing to achieve and that was obtaining my licensure as a registered nurse in the state of Texas.

& then I did that too. On June 15th, I officially became a registered nurse.

Both were two major goals that I set out for myself to accomplish and I did that. So, it didn’t surprise me that shortly after I started to wonder what was next for me.

For so long, I have been and seen myself as the academic. The scholar. The girl who was so focused on her education, she didn’t have time for anything else or anyone else. In a lot of ways I felt like it defined me. I’d like to think that’s why I started this blog. I had grown tired of only being the “academic” (not a bad thing to be, don’t get me wrong but I wanted more). I wanted to showcase my other talents. Talents that include, but certainly aren’t limited to: writing, fashion/styling, public speaking, and ultimately the ability to engage with others.

With all that being said, it’s how I came to the conclusion of what life would be like after graduation.

Life after graduation would be damn good. It would be that way because I no longer would allow myself to be defined by only academics. I would be relentless in the pursuit of my passions. As much as waking up with nothing required of me has been thrilling it has also helped me recognized a few important things that that I believe will shape the next few years for me.

For one, I don’t do well with stagnancy. I need to grow and continue to evolve in a way that’s beneficial to myself, but also impactful to the society I’m a part of.

Two, I don’t have to be only defined by my academics. Instead I can be defined by all the other things that make me, well me.

& lastly, I plan to pursue my passions so relentlessly that constant achievement will be the only possible result.


Life after graduation is still evolving and thank God for it because damn it if I’m not evolving too.


life after graduation



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