Life Style


let's talk about it

So here goes nothing.

Long time no speak? I’m sure you guys think so. I promised I’d make an effort in previous posts to not disappear for weeks at a time and I’ve gone and done just that. Would you believe me if I told you I’ve been super busy. Welp,  let’s talk about it.

As you babes know, I’m in nursing school!

I don’t talk about it often because my blog is a place that I get to escape from all the chaos that is nursing school and just unwind. It’s the rule that keeps me sane babes.  However, there are times like today where I just have to break the rules and SPILL. In a major way.

This semester has been absolutely insane. I’m in my 3rd semester of nursing school and this is the first semester, since starting said school that I feel like I’ve barely been able to catch my breath. I mean I’ve been running from one assignment to the next.

One minute I’m writing a three page paper, the next I’m doing a group project, and right after I’m drowning in notes for the next exam. Could you catch your breath given the scenario x 1,000 pressure packed on top?

Not to sound pessimistic, but I highly doubt it.

I find myself praying for more hours in a day.

The positive in all of this? IT’S ALMOST OVER THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE.

Surprisingly this semester has gone by faster than I could have ever hoped for. I mean it’s already April! If I could make it through the disaster that has been this semester these last few months, I can make it through these last few weeks. I’ll be just peachy soon enough.

So that’s where I’ve been babes! Now that we’ve chatted about it and I’ve spilled, I feel so relieved.


I, no kidding you guys, feel like I just inhaled remarkably better.

Breaking the rules, might not be so bad after all.

As for this look, keep reading for deets on it featuring Pretty Little Thing (my go to online shop for all things super cute).

let's talk about it

let's talk about it

let's talk about it

I snatched this look around the time I was shopping for something to wear to a friend’s wedding coming up. Her wedding is actually in just about a week and though I didn’t go with this look, it was still a close runner up.

I initially fell in love with it after seeing the beautiful crochet lace detailing.

If that doesn’t scream wedding appropriate, I honestly don’t know what does.

Everything about this dress practically oozes femininity from the bell sleeves to the lace and crochet detailed duo. The material isn’t scratchy against the skin, which is sometimes common with crochet.

I finished off the look with my favorite strappy heels and a simple chain purse.


As for me, I’m off to throw myself back into the chaos that is nursing school.

See ya’ on the other side,

Thelms xx

let's talk about it




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