

mean girls

Mean girls listen up.

You’re mean.

Not mean in the sense that you have resting bitch face, until you’re approached and your charm is turned on. Or even the mean like the person who’s apprehensive of others before someone begins speaking to them.

No, you’re just mean and this open letter is for you.

Actually mean in the sense that you spend most of your time being a shit, coming off rude as shit, or just being a down right shitty person to other girls.

Whew, that was a mouthful.

Here’s the thing with that though. Us girls who are kind and willing to give people a chance before turning wild on their ass (when reason permits, of course) — we’re no longer here for the bullshit.

Not that we ever were tbh.

I’m not sure what happened in your life that has resulted in you coming off this way, but you’ve got to chill the f out.

It’s 2019 for goodness sake.

We are all a part of a climate where female empowerment is all the rage.

So why aren’t you willing to jump on board? Why aren’t you doing your part to contribute to the betterment of all women… including yourself?

If no one has been bold enough to let you know, let me be the first. Your nastiness is not a good look sis. It won’t get you far in life and it won’t make others want to stick around. It will ruin you eventually if it hasn’t already, and that’s just real tea. I mean hey. Protecting your space is necessary, hell vital even. But at what cost? You don’t have to be a mean girl to protect your space. Or talk trash about someone because you’re trying to hide what you feel about yourself (more on facing your demons, here). You don’t even have to be one in order to be selective about your friends.

There’s just absolutely no justification for being a mean girl, or a plain ole’ bitch if we’re keeping things clear and direct.

So cut it out because you might mess around and get popped one day.


A girl ready to pop you. 🙂

NOW after reading all this you’re either, 1 of 3 people —

1) The mean girl who this open letter is geared towards (I hope you were taking notes)

2) The sweet girl, who is usually the recipient of said bitch (don’t worry sis, she’s going through things that started way before you came around).


3) The former mean girl (s/o to y’all for being a part of the former crew)

In any event, this open letter is for the mean girls. Who have yet to figure out that the shit just isn’t okay.

P.S. if you’re a “sweet girl” reading this letter looking for insight on these mean girls, I will say this to you all personally. Their meanness was and has never really been about you. Try not to take it too personally, after all — a mean girl’s going to do what a mean girl’s going to do. AND THAT IS JUST REAL HOT PIPPING TEA. Do your best to steer clear of personalities like theirs. However, if they come with the bullshit (and it’s impossible to avoid), promise me one thing.

Promise me that you’ll be intolerant and stand up for yourself. Because even sweet girls have to let others know what time it is, every now and then. 😉


mean girls



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