

Go to War With Your Demons

I don’t care what anyone says. We all have demons. Not in the spiritual sense that questions the strength of your faith or the amount of Christianity you possess. No, not that kind. I’m talking about the figurative demons that represent other things in your life. The demons that act as the face of: insecurity, depression, anger issues, severe anxiety, lack of self love, jealousy, and a number of other things. Whether they rear its ugly head every now and then. Or are increasingly present in your day to day life. The truth of the matter is if we’re not careful those same demons will lead to our ultimate downfall.

Want to hear something crazy though?

Facing said demons is a lot more challenging than choosing to ignore them. So we do the latter and ignore them as they eat us alive from the inside out.

But remember how I was telling you guys that growth (no matter how challenging) is always worth it a couple posts back?

It really is.

Sometimes we have to go to war with our demons to reveal the angels that have been trapped behind them for so long.

Consider this if any one of these are your vice, your demon.

Instead of basking in the spirit of jealousy why not celebrate in the spirit of admiration. Using it as a driving force to be better for yourself and those around you.

Rather than letting your anger overtake you, wouldn’t it be worth it to learn to manage and control it? Making it possible to find grace in the most challenging of situations.

Or rather than spending time loathing what you perceive to be another’s “arrogance”… couldn’t you spend the same time discovering why you struggle to locate the self love you see in another that you just might lack in yourself.

Beyond the few listed, there are so many additional figurative demons that make going to war with them so damn daunting.

Hell, I’m currently working through my own figurative demon, but as I do so I hope you’ll do something for me. For yourself.

Promise me, you’ll go to war with your demon(s). That you will choose to see that beyond the struggle of facing your issues head on, there is a light so bright waiting for your discovery of it. That the spirit of anger, depression, fear, anxiety, and whatever else can’t hold you back or deter you forever. If only you’ll pick up your weapons (of determination, diligence, courage) and fight the good fight. I said growth would be worth it. I said nothing about it being easy.

Who knows? You’re likely to be pleasantly surprised at the you who’s revealed after the battle.

To winning the war and preparing for eternal peace,


Go to War with Your Demons




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