
What I Read in June

Reading is one of my favorite escapes. Whether I’m in a great mood or a bad mood, I love escaping into someone else’s life or world through reading. Last month, I picked up a great book at Barnes & Noble; #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso and I literally can’t stop reading it. Not only do I love reading pure fiction for entertainment, I also love to read things that will educate me. Luckily her book happened to do both!

I wandered through the bookstore on a late afternoon in June. Usually when I go to the bookstore I’m never sure of what I’m looking for. Honestly, I just let the books speak to me when I walk in and just go from there. The smell of new books, the coffee someone’s sipping a bookshelf away, and the workers hustling does something to me. As I strolled in between bookshelves an intense need to learn came over me. I beelined to that area and started scanning, trying to find the book that would speak to me, when I saw a familiar name; Sophia Amoruso.

Sophia Amoruso is the Founder, former CEO, and current Executive Chairman of Nasty Gal. What is Nasty Gal? Only one of my favorite online stores that sell vintage and unique pieces with a standing store in LA. Never shopped there before? Go check it out TODAY! Just from reading the book, I can tell she is witty, pointed, wild — and did I mention extremely successful? I probably should have started with successful. She built her business from nothing to a $250-million-plus fashion retail brand. I was in the mood to learn and thought she would be the perfect teacher.

Reading her book opened my eyes to so much that I didn’t see before. She inspired me, at times she made me think, other times she made me laugh, even once making me cry a little. In her book, Sophia Amoruso is pointed about her downfalls on her rise to the top and her successes on that same rise. She makes it clear that it’s not easy and talks about her upbringing; engaging in petty theft as a child, hitchhiking in her teens, and so forth. She gives you advice on networking and interviews — all things that every potential GIRLBOSS needs to know. It was just soooo good.

I’m not giving away the juicy details of this wonderful book, nope not at all. Trust me enough my girl bosses out there and go snag this book from your local bookstore. You will not regret it, I sure didn’t! She gives you advice, stays very pointed (still very relatable), relays humor throughout, all while keeping it very real. What more could you ask for in a book? However, if you have read it what did you think? Do you share my sentiments on the book or do you disagree? Let me know in the comments below!





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