My Words Poetry Pieces


From the moment they met,

they had plans to do this life thing together.

That’s what you call making a conscious effort,

to be a part of someone’s forever.

They were supposed to see the world,

travel and share new experiences.

Both hoping to get an even better understanding,

of each other’s differences.

However, somewhere between experiences and differences,

they fell the fuck apart.

My assumption is at some point down the line,

they broke each other’s heart.

As an observer, I’m not exactly sure how it happened,

or when it really began.

On the other hand, if you asked me when it ended,

I’d be able to recall exactly, like you retell a story to a friend.

Most days she promises she’s okay,

while other days she’s not.

That’s the thing with heartbreak,

it doesn’t ever really stop.

Don’t get it wrong though,

there’s hope that eventually it will mend itself in due time.

Attempting to explain to her that mending might move along quicker,

if you remember them as that no good swine.

The one undeserving to be penciled into your life,

with plans for forever.

“We had plans you and I” she finally told him,

“that were never quite meant to make it past the initial endeavor.”




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