

summer style

SO I have a confession.

Not a major, shake your life up confession, but just a tiny one.

Okay, okay, okay. Enough of the build up. Out with it already, is what you babes are probably thinking.

Well, here’s goes nothing.

I’ve been staying up late, using study time to watch reruns of Project Runway. HA! That’s my confession, but I feel so bad about it because it’s time I should have been using to study.

However, the positive in all of this is that I did gain something through neglecting study time, go figure.

Watching old reruns of Project Runway a few nights ago, where the challenge was to create hot summer pieces, got me thinking and feeling inspired. I took some notes from the episode, and though I didn’t create an entire line of clothing from seam to seam — I did figure out a few ways to sweeten up my style this summer.

Through the five tips I used, I hope you babes can too.

Keep reading for, 5 Easy Tips to Sweeten up Your Summer Style. 

summer style

summer style

summer style

summer style

summer style

summer style

1. SHOW SOME LEG: It’s summertime and if staying up late watching that particular episode of Project Runway taught me anything — this is the time to show a bit of skin, so do a lot of it. Whether it’s a little bit of chest or *alotta bit of leg , do something to make you feel oh so chic and uber feminine.

2. Experiment with different hairstyles: Yep, I said it. Give your hair a new look! Try an updo if you always wear it down, go for curly instead of bone straight,  or trade in the buns for a french braid. Don’t be afraid to try something new! After all, your hair is just as much a part of your style as your clothing is. Make the best of it!

3. Toss out some old, bring in some new: Spring cleaning isn’t just for spring in my opinion babes! I think it’s healthy and very necessary to freshen up your wardrobe in general. Every time a new season rolls around, it warrants my permission to self to add a few new pieces to the mayhem that is my closet. For me, working the new pieces into some of the old stuff makes for the perfect refresher, while still being able to keep enough change in my pocket for margs. Priorities. 

4. Make an Inspiration Board: I love being inspired by seeing epic street style on my way to school, leaving a coffee shop (an iced white mocha is my drink of choice, in case y’all were wondering), or driving down the Theater District during the weekend. The styles inspire me in ways I can’t even begin to describe, ultimately making me eager to shop online till I’m dead broke. However, just seeing sometimes isn’t enough. Remembering how fly the babe on Montrose looked can get a bit fuzzy as the day goes by. BUT, that’s where inspiration boards come in and save the day. Putting inspiration down on something that can be referenced later is what I found I love so much more! It’s a tangible way for me to keep track of what inspires me, so that I can apply it to my own style.

& reference it for later when yet another season rolls its sweet ass around LOL.

5. Mix + Match accessories: Accessories are the perfect way to sweeten up your summer style without having to spend too much. Take a look in your closet at what you have and mix & match. Play around with an old belt, earrings, rings, and sunnies that can add the perfect amount of sweetness to a once dull look.

That’s it for now babes.

I’ll be back with a new post later this week, when I come up for air after my Pharm test on Thursday. Wish me luck!

In the meantime, I hope while I’m away you dolls play — in your closets that is and apply these 5 easy tips for sweetening up your summer style.

Thelms xx



Shoes: STEVE MADDEN (linked similar)

Photos by Nicole Uzo

summer style




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