Life My Words


first date

Hi babes! Happy freaking Thursday!

I’m over enthused (if you couldn’t tell), but that’s because it’s pretty much the weekend! Well at least for me it is. I don’t have class on Fridays, so I look at Thursdays as the official start to my weekend.

Before kicking back in bed and savoring the idea that I’m not waking up at the crack of ass for school, I decided to do a little story time with you babes tonight.

Let’s just say you guys have inspired me.

I got so much positive (and funny) feedback about my first storytime post, and figured — I should go ahead and make this a thing.

SO with that being said, keep reading for Story Time with Thelms: First Date Blues.

first date

first date

first date

first date

I was about 16 or so years old and I was going on my first date ever. I remember being so dang excited, but super nervous. So nervous that I swore I just might shit myself. Luckily for me, my excitement took over and no accidents were reported.

You guys this was yeaaars ago, so don’t judge me. LOL.


As it turned out my really good friend’s date was really good friends with my date, so I didn’t have to go alone. Since she was going with me, I went over to her house and we got ready together. We chatted about all the things we hoped to happen and how nerve wrecking, but exciting the night would turn out to be. As girls do, we fantasized about how they might kiss us and how we’d reciprocate. She and I got ready quickly enough, if you call second guessing my outfit a million times and wanting to do something different to my hair every 5mins. HA! For the most part, everything seemed to be going smoothly.

Though getting to the movies was a battle of its own, we made it in record time. As we waited in the restroom for what seemed like forever (thinking back on it, I’m not sure why we thought waiting in the restroom was the best idea lmao), my girlfriend got a text from her date.

It read something along the lines of:

We’re not going to make it, can’t find a ride or whatever.

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? I thought. I was devastated. I had gotten all cute (if wearing lace tights with fitted denim shorts and a too thick red cardi was considered cute) for no dang reason. I mentally watched all the fantasies and hopes I had for the night slip out of my grasp one by one. In my opinion all hope was lost.

My girlfriend however, was experiencing the exact opposite. She was positive that they’d figure it out and get there saying things like,

Thelma, they’re going to come.


It’s going to workout, you’ll see. 

Clearly, she was the optimist in the friendship and still is (s/o to you Strawberrie). However, just like she’d said minutes earlier they texted saying they had found a ride and they were on the way. The feeling of thinking I was going to shit myself was back on with a vengeance.

When they finally got there, I was practically dazed (that’s how freaking nervous I was). I was stuttering over my words, talking way too fast, and getting flustered in my too thick red cardi in the middle of freaking summer. I mean who the hell told me it was okay to where all these layers of clothing on a first date anyway. 

We had bought tickets to see the movie Roommate, and as besides myself as I was, we started heading in the direction of the theater — and that’s when it happened.

I was so dang dazed and flustered in my too thick cardigan that instead of walking into the theater like the rest of the gang, I walked into the MEN’S RESTROOM RIGHT BESIDE IT. You guys like I walked iiiiiiiiiin, like all the way in. Far enough that I’m pretty sure I saw urinals and a guy getting ready to do the deed (then again I was so dazed I’m not even sure what I saw that night).


I remember hearing my girlfriend calling for me just as I turned around and headed out as quickly as I’d accidentally gone in. I’m pretty sure I turned as red as the stupid cardigan that got me in that mess to begin with.

I think I laughed it or made some silly comment, trying to seem as unbothered as possible but I was buuuurning up on the inside because

1) I was completely mortified, obvi and 2) I was hot ass hell in dare I say again, the too thick red cardigan. 

My date pretended to not really notice, I think?

We headed into the movies, finding our seats and having a quick chat before the movie actually began. Thirty minutes into the movie, he was trying to get close and I remember putting myself in the most awkward position imaginable. I was practically kneeing his groin with my elbow; the way I had attempted to lean into him.

He pretended not to notice again, I think?

Nevertheless, the awkwardness disappeared and everything seemed to go smoothly from that point forward. Overall, it ended up being a pretty okay first date you guys.

As for the guy and where he’s at in the world today, it’s been six years since that infamous date. He and I don’t speak anymore, but it’s all good. We still follow each other on most social channels so that counts for something right? LOL. I’d just like to hope, this date is in his most distant of memories and not something he can recall as easily as I did.

Have you babes had any awkward first date experiences? Chatting about my first date blues has totally got me wondering. If so, feel free to share with me below. I don’t want to be alone in this awkwardness of first date blues.

I’m now off to indulge in this bed of mine and catch up on The Real Housewives of New York City. Hope you babes enjoyed my second story time on the blog! I can’t wait to share more stories, awkward moments, and good laughs with you babes.

Chat soon,

Thelms xx


LBD: MISSGUIDED (shop similar lbd’s)

Photos by Julia Elizabeth

first date



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  • Reply
    July 27, 2017 at 9:09 pm

    😂😂😂😂😂 girl! Loved this post! Felt your embarrassment all the way from here

    • Reply
      July 27, 2017 at 10:50 pm

      Hahaha, thanks boo! But yes. Legit was shaking with embarrassment when it initially happened.

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