

Don’t you just love, love?

The month for lovers is here! In just a couple of days, the actual day for lovers will show itself with a bouquet of roses all around the world. Whether you’re going out to eat with your SO (significant other), staying in with the blinds closed, or just conjuring up ways to show your love you love them — there usually is some sort of music or soundtrack paired with those special moments. Not to worry though if you haven’t quite thought that far! That’s what I’m here for!

I’ve come up with the perfect soundtrack that is sure to get your Valentine’s Day off to a good start and help it end much of the same way.

SO, keep reading to find out the songs that are sure to make for The Perfect Soundtrack for Your February 14.

However before getting into the soundtrack of your dreams, I’m going to share quick outfit deets on the look featured! Either way, keep reading!

Okay, so this look.

I have been dying over monochromatic looks as of late. I don’t know if it’s just me, but in my opinion there’s something so decadent (yes as in a yummy donut) about a look with one common color scheme.

A monochromatic look allows the focus to remain constant and not distracting, presents a vibrancy of sorts to one’s own skin tone, and keeps the accessories to a minimum.

Can it get any better than that?!

In regards to this look, contrary to what may be popular belief — the top and bottom weren’t purchased at the same time.

Babes, you’d actually be surprised how many monochrome pieces are within your wardrobes that are waiting to be put together. I snagged my sweater from here and skirt from Topshop on sale! By the way, how perfect is this particular color scheme for Valentine’s Day?

So dang good.

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, let’s get into what you babes are really here for, The Perfect Soundtrack for Your February 14.

Shop this look & Other Monochromatic Pieces

Avant feat. Keke Wyatt: You and I

This song is the ultimate testament of a man and women in love. On the track artist Avant expresses his unwavering love for his lady and how much he basically loves loving her. He talks about how much his life has changed since meeting her, but in doing so he’s so welcoming of the change. Keke Wyatt, Avant’s counterpart in the song plays ‘the stand in women‘ who shares her love in return. Now babes, if this isn’t the perfect song to start off your playlist, I’m not too sure what is.

Avant: Read Your Mind

Now this song… so sensual, oh so sexy. It speaks of a man who knows the woman he wants. Throughout the song he explains why the woman he’s serenading should want to know him too… in more than just one.

Beyonce: Dance For You

This song is a dedication, simply put. It’s sexy and sultry through and through. The lyrics and the story behind speak to a woman dedicating herself completely to her partner. In the same token it also speaks to the ability to lose yourself with the person you’re meant to. These tunes are meant for that private moment between your partner and yourself.

Beyonce: Rocket

You guys this song is every bit of grown and sexy. From the start of Beyonce arrogantly singing her desire “to sit this ass on you” to the end, her lyrics take you on a journey through flirtation – to the actual act – to the calming sensation after. I’ll let you babes handle where and when this sexy jam is getting played. Hehe.

Miley Cyrus: Adore You

This ballad is one of appreciation and gratefulness. It speaks to the desire Miley has to declare her love for her beau and let it be known that the feelings he has for her are reciprocated tenfold. It’s the perfect song for the partnership that isn’t one for oversharing or being lovey dovey because this song does that for them. It essentially sums up love in just a few short words.

One Direction: Little Things

This acoustic ballad speaks to the soft, sweet side of what Valentine’s Day is mostly meant to be about. It shares One Direction’s desire to talk about the ‘little things‘ they love about their SO’s and why their SO should love those aspects of themselves as well. It’s just so dang beautiful y’all. It casts out imperfections and turns them into beautiful characteristics that should be appreciated and loved on always.

Zayn: Pillowtalk

Not be mistaken, this song is about sex but not solely. This song is a beautiful representation of what love can be or become. Yes there may be sexual moments within your partnership, but this song also speaks to rough times within that same partnership. Though there may be fights and hard times, as long as the love and sexual chemistry is still there — everything will be just fine. Not to mention, Zayn’s voice is just freaking sexy, so putting it on the perfect soundtrack for your February 14 was a no brainer. Duh.

Sleeping At Last: Turning Page

I first fell in love with this song as it played in the background instrumentally at Bella’s wedding in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part I. This song speaks to the object of the artist’s affection being his turning page. The person he loves aids in bringing him back to life and makes life worth living. If this isn’t the epitome of a Valentine’s Day soundtrack, I really don’t know what else could be. This song is the perfect start, middle, and end to what I hope is your most worthwhile February 14.

In signing off, I hope this soundtrack makes its way to all your special moments with your special someone.

Ciao for now,

Thelms xx

Photos by Tiffany King


Based in Southeast Texas, “WITH LOVE, Thelms” shares my lifestyle choices related to food, health, beauty, & style with love.

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