Life Style


behind the scenes

LOL. Can we talk about the image for today’s post for just a second? It can’t scream behind the scenes more than it already does because the above image was me just last week. Here’s the backstory: Last week as I struggled to do up my pants in the car for shoot day with my photographer, a few thoughts came to mind. The first being that I really needed to look into cars with more backseat leg room because wow. Trying to slide on jeans or much of anything in a car is hard af. The second thought? The behind the scenes aspect of shoot day is pretty tough at times.

Behind The Scenes: Reporting live from a car filled with clothes and props for blog photos and content creation. Trying not to sweat too much from all the movement and ruin my makeup. All the while my AC is blasting to no end because Houston won’t settle the hell down for two seconds lol.

The trenches I tell you. Behind The Scenes of shoot day could easily be described as the trenches.

It’s the part of blogging that isn’t usually shared by us bloggers. The part where you struggle in a car (not suitable for changing) to get the look together before going out to shoot. Or having to be quick about getting the shot because time is money… literally.


There’s SO MUCH that goes into shoot day and content creation. The one that most of us worry about every so often?


Changing in a car is cool, but what’s not cool is the fear that someone somewhere might get a peek at tiny bit of something or worse. It seems harmless, but in an age such as we are in — social media is thriving. I’d rather be known for the content that I am creating and not the nipple that needs to be tucked back into the look I’m trying to shoot. *shrugs*

However, through the struggle my love for this should never be misinterpreted. I love every second of shoot day, even the hellish parts of it. I love to create and share, so if the nitty gritty behind the scenes parts have to happen in order to do that? Bring on the cramped cars, I’m so game LOL.

Ahh, the joys of shoot day.

Nevertheless, this leads me to the third thought I had while still struggling to get those damn jeans on.

As much I love to hate the hellish parts of shoot day, I think it’s very important to highlight them. Especially for all you babes that are avid blog subscribers.

I think it’s important for you all to know how much work goes into the beautiful images and adventures seen on social media from some of your faves.

It’s more than necessary to understand that we put ourselves in less than ideal situations to get a few shots — praying that among them, one of those shots is THE shot.

So today’s post isn’t about showing off the pretty images or the perfectionism blogging seems to depict to so many. Today’s post is the real and raw of what getting those images takes.

This is as real as Shoot Day: Behind The Scenes gets.


By the way, I eventually got my damn jeans on,


friendly reminder, new blog posts on With Love, Thelms every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for you babes’ viewing pleasure.


behind the scenes



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