
Benefits of Coconut Oil

coconut oil

Calling all coconut oil lovers! This post is especially for y’all. Coconut Oil is one of my favorite “super-foods”. Extending from a kitchen necessity to face benefits, coconut oil is a jack of all trades. Super-foods are usually those that have many health benefits outside of just being yummy in your tummy. They can be the best way to tackle any issue you may be having, both externally and internally. The benefits are pretty awesome. My mom is very into everything natural and not processed, so naturally (Ha! What a play on words) I have taken the same route.  Today many are becoming more inclined to include tons of different super-foods into their diets. One of my favorite places to go for my super-food needs is Whole Foods! I could roam the aisles for hours and get lost. I wouldn’t mind one bit. They have the best natural substitutions for some of your favorite products.

There are so many benefits! I’m honestly discovering new benefits weekly because I’m so obsessed with knowing the positives of everything I put into my body.

coconut oil

1. Serious Hair Goals: Coconut Oil is amazing for your hair. It adds luster and shine to the hair without being overtly greasy. It’s super awesome as a hair mask! Doing a hair mask with this oil once a week will leave your hair feeling supple, hydrated, and smelling amazing. I love a good beachy smell and adding this oil to my hair definitely helps me get that yummy aroma. It’s also a great pick me up after styling your hair and even before. It’s a natural heat protector, go figure! After styling your hair with heat, the hair needs a little bit of shine. Taking just a tiny portion, you can rub the oil in between the hands to warm it up and run it through your hair. That “burnt hair smell” that no one is fond of is out the door in seconds and the beachy smell will quickly replace it. Hair goals anyone?

coconut oil

2. Food anyone?: I don’t know about you guys, but I’m always hungry. Look in the fridge three times for three different meals in less than an hour hungry. What can I say? A girl likes to eat and because of that I’m always looking for health substitutions in anything involving my food choices. This oil is not only awesome to eat, but to cook with as well. It contains a special blend of fatty acids that have really amazing medicinal properties. It also helps destroy any hunger you may have, causing you to be more likely to take a look in that fridge. Makes you eat less! Every girl’s dream, HOORAY! The Lauric Acid within this oil has some awesome antibacterial properties; helping to destroy bacteria and fungi within the body (on the outside of the body too). It also helps increase you energy which would cause you to burn more fat quicker and get rid of that fat abdominal belly! Still hungry?

coconut oil

3. “…Dripping all over my body.”: I love rubbing this oil all over my body. It’s so freaking hydrating. My skin stays moisturized for hours and hours, oh and a few more hours. The overall appearance of your skin looks radiant and healthy! It again has antibacterial properties, so it’s awesome for restoring damaged or broken skin. It’s also been proven to be effective as a sunscreen protecting the body from the harmful UV lights of the Sun. It’s also a great alternative to makeup wipes because it’s really great for removing makeup. Key note: You never want to use the oil on the face before makeup application because your makeup will literally slide off. Massage time maybe?

coconut oil

4. Cute cuticles: As stated before, this super-food is necessary for the positive appearance and health of the skin. That extends to your cuticles also. I get my nails done a lot and have been obsessed with doing them since my Jr. year of HS. I’ve been to my fair share of nail salons and experienced many nail techs. There are some places that will clean up your cuticles and put oil on them and others…Well who just won’t. No need to fret because putting this super-food’s oil on your cuticles will have the same effect if not better. Doing this will help keep the moisturized and conditioned. It will also help with rough crispy cuticles that may be damaged due to working with your hands a lot. It will revitalize those ragged rough cuticles in no time; preventing it from being an issue ever again. I like to apply the oil to my cuticles at night to prevent any possible dripping or greasiness to my hands throughout the day.

coconut oil

5. White teeth, Nice Breath, happy life: Teeth are very important! When you smile it says so much about who you are. A smile is worth a thousand words seriously. You want your smile to be one of your best accessories and Coconut Oil can really help with that. Oil pulling became really popular a few years ago and I definitely see why. It’s like a mouthwash process that can help with killing harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve dental care tremendously, and whiten teeth. It also helps to rid your mouth of bad breath.

Do you use Coconut Oil? If so, how does it benefit you? Let’s chat in the comments below!




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