

travel bug

I was in the midst of sorting through old school notes and trying to get my life together when it hit me… I’ve been having the travel bug something bad lately. I figured what better way to get over this bug or itch, then scratch it — by making today’s Sunday Chat: Travel Bug, the main attraction. By the way, the bug itch thing? Sounded so much cooler in my head LOL.

As travel bugs go, I’ve been having this incessant need to travel the world.

I guess you could blame a lot of it on social media apps like instagram and snapchat. I mean picture this. I see others traveling the world and it makes me realize how much of said world I have yet to see.

Y’all get my drift?

I’ve grown up in an environment that I’m so accustomed to it, it’s kind of scary. So much so, that the adventure aspect gets lost on me at times. It’s like I’m so used to the regularity of my day to day life that sometimes I get the feeling I’m missing out on certain things or need to shake something up.

After all, I don’t think the best led life was one of comfort and ease. Instead, it’s the life led down the road less traveled — one filled with adventure and periodic displacement (with a necessary amount of comfort and ease) that’sthe best.

Doesn’t that sound like the life?!

With that in mind, I’m thinking I need to take a trip. Even if that means just getting out of the city. I need to go somewhere and scratch this itch. Explore and recharge my mind.


Do you babes ever get to feeling the way I do? & if so, how often does the travel bug hit you?

I’d love to hear from you guys.



P.S. New post coming to the blog tomorrow where I’ll be chatting about why every woman secretly wants an assertive man. Stay tuned babes.

travel bug




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