Life Style


The Beauty in Vulnerability

Being vulnerable is really hard sometimes.

So hard, that many people refrain from doing so often. I for one can be one of those people.

I guess it’s just really difficult to be open to someone because you’re either afraid of one of three things happening:

1) They run with the wind and blab about everything you’ve shared with them to anyone willing to listen,

2) The information is used against you at a later time,


3) Your vulnerability is used to manipulate you by the person you’ve opened up to. 

However, yesterday I discovered the beauty in vulnerability. Making a moment shared between myself and another, come full circle. When done in the right setting to the right person, vulnerability can be the stepping stone to recovery, no matter what situation you’re hoping to recover from.

With that being said, keep reading for the latest entry in the Sunday Chat series: The Beauty in Vulnerability. As I share insight on how being vulnerable in the most dire of situations can be your saving grace.

The Beauty in Vulnerability

The Beauty in Vulnerability

The Beauty in Vulnerability

Yesterday evening was shitty omg.

So shitty that I’m pretty sure even if I had a pint of cookies & cream ice cream (my absolute fave), it wouldn’t have made things better.

I knew I needed to purge the toxic emotions after crying for what felt like forever. However, purging bad feelings when no one is around can be pretty difficult.

Here’s why:

It’s so much easier to be in the midst of tears as someone watches you breakdown — because your body naturally gives you up and just makes you tell it all. When you’re alone though? Welp, you have to make a conscious decision to be vulnerable and reach out to someone or let the negative feelings quite literally, drown you from within.

I’m not even going to lie.

Although I know better, it doesn’t always help me do better. This is why I actually contemplated bottling up my emotions and not sharing it with anyone. However, after considering how vulnerable a fellow classmate was with me the night before — I took a different route.

The route of vulnerability.

After talking to a friend and having her speak courage, perseverance, and strength into my heart — I felt lighter in spirit almost instantly. I know that I might not have been feeling that way if I kept the shittiness of the night bottled in like I originally planned.

It’s in that very moment that I saw the beauty in vulnerability.

By being vulnerable, I was able to relieve my mind of the burden of sadness and talk it out with someone I know cares about me. In doing so, it made the shittiness of the night that much easier to tackle. It made me realize that being vulnerable doesn’t always mean you’re giving away secret thoughts and feelings. Instead it should be looked at differently. By being vulnerable you allow another to tackle negative thoughts and feelings you may be experiencing as you both face your recovery process together.

Did I mention there’s beauty in vulnerability?

The Beauty in Vulnerability

The Beauty in Vulnerability

The Beauty in Vulnerability

I hope today’s Sunday Chat gives you a tiny nudge to be vulnerable to those you trust when facing the smallest hardships. After all, we were never meant to fight wars alone.

To vulnerability and finding your saving grace,


I’m wearing: Zara T-Shirt, Pacsun denim cutoffs, and a Missguided Blazer with Forever 21 sandals.

Photos by Julia Lane

The Beauty in Vulnerability




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