Life My Words



Okay babes. Let’s get real for a second or two.

I went to the store (Target specifically) and witnessed something that irked me so bad. So much so that I’m scraping the original direction for this post and taking you guys down a different path.

I had to share this with y’all because, 1) I hope to the heavens you’re not this type of babe & 2) witnessing something like this left the worst kind of taste in my mouth that seemingly won’t be alleviated, until sharing.

Story time:

SO. I went to Target to grab a few quick items before heading home a few nights ago. I believe I was headed to an event later that evening and needed things like; chapstick, mascara, and some lash glue. I had the items in hand and was in the checkout line within minutes of entering the store. If you know Target, you know that there’s always a gazillion aisles available, however none are ever open.

Just to ratio it out if you’re not familiar. For every 10 aisles that are available, 1 or 2 (if you’re luckily) is ever really open.

As I made my way to the 1 or 2 aisles that were open, I noticed a babe around my age that was already ahead of me. She looked to have quite a few things in her basket, but nothing too crazy. As I approached, she noticed my Aldo bag and began chatting with me about fashion and the likes of the bag. We had pretty great conversation for all of the ten minutes we waited for the guy in front of her to get done with his transaction.

What happened next was beyond me.




When she approached the counter the Target employee checking her out, offered up the usual greetings. The babe was friendly enough initially, offering the same warmth in return. As the employee concluded ringing up the babe’s items, things then took a bit of a turn. When the employee signaled that she was ready for payment, the babe attempted to insert her chip into the machine.

The system declined it several times stating something on the screen along the lines of the card being invalid or declined. The employee tried on her end a few times, attempting to type the card info in manually to no avail. The babe then began raising her voice at the employee, talking down to her, and being insanely rude. You guys, she was sooo rude. So much so that I’m almost positive the people behind me were getting extremely uncomfortable and so was I.


I understand how that can be frustrating. You came in to purchase items and go about your merry way, and there’s been a delay. However, what did the employee do to you?! She’s been extremely apologetic and is trying continuously to rectify the issue. This is a situation where she unfortunately has no control, and will have to seek the aide of a supervisor. I’m sure she’s (the employee) already feeling uncomfortable enough that the transaction has become anything but smooth, so cut her some slack.  Geeeeeez. 

Back to the story…

Being advised to step out of the line because the supervisor had concluded there wasn’t an issue on their end, I was able to be checked out and sent on my merry way.

I couldn’t leave though.

It was one of those things where if the angry babe wasn’t leaving, I just had to see how it was all going to play out. SO, I pretended to need a pack of gum and got my ass right back in the line.

Ironically enough after stepping out of the line and calling her credit card company, the angry babe returned. One lousy lame apology later an explanation that she never even activated her freaking card, and she was on her own merry way.

Can you even believe that? Like seriously?! UGH.

Instead of trying to get to the bottom of the issue and kindly stepping out of the line, she decided to hurl insults at the innocent Target employee. Directing her anger at the employee instead of at herself for her lack of thoroughness.






With storytime now coming to a close and all of that being said, I sure hope you babes are not that girl. No one like a rude customer, or respects them either when it’s not warranted.

I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve worked in retail and know the other side all too well, or that I just hate rude people, but incidents like that irk my entire soul.

Try to remember that they’re just like you, human beings. Would you want someone talking to you like that? Take the time to consider what employees go through at different stores and put yourself in their shoes a time or two.

For my babes that remain saints in situations like that, kudos to y’all. For those of you who don’t, try not to be an asshole the next time you call yourself making a run to the store.

Chat laters,

Thelms xx


V-neck Bodysuit: FOREVER 21 (linked similar)

Mini Skirt: FOREVER 21 (linked similar)





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  • Reply
    July 19, 2017 at 12:44 am

    Haha! Yes I totally got so angry while reading this too! I can’t stand when people disrespect workers when they are only trying to do their jobs! I love your post btw!

    • Reply
      July 19, 2017 at 11:56 am

      Thanks for the support girly xx. I’m glad you liked it. Hahaa, I just hate witnessing things like that with a passion lol.

  • Reply
    July 19, 2017 at 12:21 pm

    I have Allen head over heels for the entire aesthetic of your blog. I follow you on IG as well 🤗.

    The customer was SOOO rude! I use to work in retail and for that reason I’m always nice to associates (who are nice to me).

    • Reply
      July 19, 2017 at 5:12 pm

      Awh you’re so sweet! Thank you so much for the support girly! & yes, I followed you as well.
      But I literally had to share this story! I was beyond appalled.

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