Life My Words



Okay. Okay. I know what you’re thinking. You haven’t even started reading and you’re thinking ‘how can she convince me that Sundays are the best day of the week.’ For you & for me, Sundays signal the end of the weekend and the precursor to the work week or school week beginning. Knowing that, it can be really hard to look past that factor and focus on the benefits that Sundays bring.

I’m going to be honest though. A few years ago, I never really saw the good in Sunday (besides going to church), and I’d always complain to my mom about it.

“Ugh it’s Sunday.”

“Is it seriously Sunday ALREADY?! What the heck.”

“Sundays mean back to school and/or work, so no it’s not a goodmorning…”

First of all I was a brat teenager, still in highschool who couldn’t see past said school. It wasn’t really until college started that I began to appreciate Sundays for something so much more than just church.

Here’s why you should too: 

  1. Sundays are for R E L A X A T I O N. I mean this is like universal law everywhere… I think? LOL. It’s a day where you’re not expected to do much and no one requires you to be anything, but chill. You don’t have to worry about getting super fancy, or figuring  out what shade smokey eye goes with that sleeveless Missguided dress, or even coming up with a way to BS one of your girlfriends because you’re not in the mood to go out, but don’t want to say it. There’s no pussyfooting or shenanigans necessary on Sunday.
  2. Sundays are for R E C H A R G I N G. I don’t know about you babes, but Sundays are when I feel the most at peace. Of course it has something to do with me going to church, or simply just praying — but I feel so much sense of self. After all the madness the week may bring (and how depleting it can be on my spirit), this day gives me the opportunity to recharge my spirit for the week ahead.
  3. Sundays are for C A T C H I N G  U P. No matter which way you twist it, the week is always so dang busy one way or the other. Everything feels like all hell is breaking loose one moment and then the light shines at the end of the tunnel the next. That chaos doesn’t give a lot of room for long chats with your guy or your best girlfriend at times. With so much going on it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out on what’s happening with your friends and loved ones. Sundays however, are the best days to play catch up! Instead of trying to squeeze the tea in bits and pieces save it all for Sunday. It’s like the universe just knows you need to find out that Sally broke up with Tom because he cheated on her with Mary from Art class who used to date Carter, right?!
  4. Sundays are for B R U N C H. So obvi I had to throw food into the mix because I’m a lover… of food(s). There’s just something about the way food tastes on Sundays at 1pm (& after) that can make a gal or guy even, want to melt. Also. Getting casually dressed with a bit of primer here, a dash of blush there, and some falsies make taking pictures at the table with your food and glass of Rosé in toe… basically everything. Brunch anyone?
  5. Sundays are for L O V I N G  ON. Snuggling up to loved ones on Sundays, or hell your bed because YES (all it does is try to love on you during the week when you have to jump out of bed before 8am & don’t come waltzing back in till after 11pm) just feels extra special. Being able to show love to those you may not always be able to during the week is the best feeling. I mean everyone’s losing their shit Mon-Sat, so it’s nice to get it together for Sundays.

So that’s that babes. After this, I hope you babes start seeing Sunday for all its glory and more than just the end of a weekend. I guarantee Sundays will become your favorite day of the week… OR hold a solid second place spot.

Hustlin’ to snag my glass of Rosé at the brunch table and make a cheers to Sunday.

Chat laters,

xx Thelms





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