Life My Words



BABES! I can’t believe 2016 is no more. It seems like just yesterday I was counting down to the new year with my loved ones and sending out ‘Happy New Year’ 2016 style to those that weren’t with me. This past year has been filled with amazing highs and a few extremely low lows (that I could do without remembering). I have learned so much this past year, some of those lessons even taking me through the ringer a few times. I was accepted into nursing school (YIPPIE YI FREAKING YAY), made amazing memories with friends, and built this community with you babes that I cherish so much.

Though, I’m not always one for the traditional form of new year resolutions — I am one for promises, because I’ve always been taught that promises CANNOT be broken. Scout’s honor (I was a girl scout for 72 hours lol.) Let me have this moment. 

Anyway. I thought I’d say a grand hello to 2017 by sharing my promises for the new year with you babes!


  1. I promise to not be so reactionary and take time to really think before I do.
  2. I promise to not let opportunities or relationships slip by based off assumptions.
  3. I promise to be myself, undeniably & unapologetically so in all situations and circumstances.
  4. I promise to show the ones I love how much they mean to me and not expect the same love back in return. But hope for it.
  5. I promise to remember that I’m alive and live each day like I’ve been given the world’s greatest miracle because I get to see a new day.
  6. I promise not to expect too much from people, and allow them to give what they can… on their own terms.
  7. I promise to love myself, and not be afraid of what it means to give my love to others.
  8. I promise to savor every good feeling that comes my way. Really feel it and store it. The way he made me laugh, the way that A+ made me feel, the way that song spoke to me… I promise to savor those feelings because I will need it on bad days when those feelings are too far away to grasp.
  9. I promise to be open when I’m in pain, hurting, broken, or sad. One can’t be helped if no one knows what’s going on.
  10. I promise to be patient: in the Starbucks line; at Target (where there are so many lanes, but most are never open); with my friends and those I love; and most of all with myself. I promise to be patient.
  11. I promise to not let someone who doesn’t know or see my worth hang around in my life. January 1st, 2017 you are no longer welcome and if you’ve left already, don’t come back.
  12. I promise to keep movin’ on despite the obstacles or struggles I may face, remembering to live for “love of self” & “love of life”.
  13. I promise to dress my heart and mind in what I love, and remain sweet in this sometimes cruel world.
  14. I promise to reach beyond myself constantly, stepping out of my comfort zone and shaking things up often.
  15. I promise to give my tears, my drive, my determination, and unwillingness to relent to my goals, making sure to achieve them at all costs.
  16. I promise to let ‘you’ go, and realize you were never mine for the keeping to begin with.
  17. I promise to keep my promises.



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