Life My Words



Hello babes.

It’s Sunday, so I’m back with another entry in this five week series about incorporating More Jesus In July. As I’ve said previously, this series is something that means a great deal. Find out why I started it and the overall background behind the series, here.

For my babes who have been tuning into the series each week, I hope y’all have been loving it. It has been so rewarding for me to dive a bit further into the word and what it means to me. This series has caused me to take a closer look at the meaning of certain scriptures and how I can use them to navigate through the different hurdles in life. I have truly enjoyed sharing with you babes! I will be so sad when the series comes to an end in the next two weeks. BUT we have now, so let’s focus on the third week in this series.

Keep reading for: tonight’s bible verse and chat about its relevancy. 


“Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.”

1 Corinthians 15:33

This verse is extremely relevant in the world we live in today. Too many people are losing their lives or straying away from the path of Christ because of who they surround themselves with. It’s so easy to say:

Well, she does that not me.

I’m not the one who stole. 

I didn’t hurt that girl, she did.

I’m not like them, I don’t participate in things like that.

Sometimes, it’s not about the fact that you didn’t do it. Sometimes it has everything to do with the fact that you keep the company of those who did.

For as long as I can remember, my mom has always taught me that I am the company I keep. “No matter how good you are, you will easily become bad in the eyes of others, if you hangout with people who are bad…” is what she used to say to my siblings and I specifically. With so much going on in today’s society in relation to those words, it’s caused me to reach for understanding from the word.

Christ wants us as his children to understand that it is very possible to become corrupted by the bad nature of others. As much as we don’t think so, because we’re so moralistically strong — certain factors and situations may force us to become morally weak. Letting those people in your life, or rather… refusing to let them out of your life can have lasting effects on you. The good character that God raised you as his child to have becomes destroyed by the waywardness of the “friend or friends” you include in your day to day life.

With friends you have known for years it can be difficult to cut the cord. However, sacrificing your walk with Christ to be a participant in bad company is so much worse.

So babes, I leave you with this:

Surround yourself with people who are equally morally strong and possess character traits you wouldn’t mind being associated with.

See you back next week, for week four of this five part series: More Jesus in July.

Thelms xx





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