

Thursday morning started like any other work morning. So excuse me if being a part of a road rage incident did not seem likely to me at the time. I mean if someone told me that I’d have a woman practically chasing me down the street and reaching for something in her back seat… I would have laughed and said “please, at 6AM. No way.

However, that’s exactly what happened and then some.

Shall I start from the beginning? 

My alarm went off as usual. I got up showered and got the basics done before I headed out the door.

I was feeling good y’all. I had a good night sleep. Woke up feeling a bit tired, but mostly ready for the day ahead of me: 

As I drove to work listening to music, I was more than ready to have a great day. There was no traffic on the road and I was practically smooth sailing it all the way to work.

About ten minutes from work however, shit most definitely hit the fan.

As I got ready to make a right turn, I could see a car in the distance coming from the left though she was so far down I could barely make out her headlights. She was NOWHERE NEAR ME. Naturally, I felt safe to make the turn. As I turned and continued down the street, I felt my heart quicken as I noticed headlights approaching me with a swiftness.

Before I could put two and two together, the car abruptly zipped around me without warning. It was then that I recognized the car to be the one that was way down the street mere minutes ago. 

When that realization dawned on me, to say I got pissed is an understatement. I was livid. I couldn’t believe it. For starters I was pissed because I almost rear ended her (& as a result almost got rear ended) and two because her actions were so unnecessary. I was mind boggled as I tried to figure out what would cause her to do something so foolish. If her actions were a result of me making that right, I didn’t understand it. She was nowhere near me and it was more than safe for me to turn. Like seriously?! What are you upset about? 

Unfortunately, instead of letting it go as I should have — I got fired the heck up.

Thoughts running through my mind at that moment, all of which were said out loud to myself:

She must not know who’s in the car (referring to myself).

She must have lost her whole mind, but that’s okay — I’m about to help her find it.

So she wanna play at 6 in the morning, I got something for her ass.

I blame it on the Scorpio in me or the spit fire I know myself to be at times lol.

SIDENOTE: Now I don’t claim to be perfect and though God’s spirit is within me — at times I do fall short of the glory of God. I do. My actions that followed will display that. However, don’t worry about me — thank God for his grace and forgiving heart.

Back to the story…

As I put my car into high gear, I got ready to do her EXACTLY as she did me. With all my might (and then some), I zoomed past her car and jumped right in front of her.

To say she was pissed is also an understatement. Similar to me moments ago, I’d imagine she was livid. The look she gave me as I looked at my rearview mirror certainly spoke to that.

What followed next… I can’t even make this stuff up lol.

Somehow she was able to get around me (even though traffic was pretty dense). She inched next to me, but I’m assuming lacked the confidence to actually pull up next to me. I however, was not so shy and actually braked so we could see each other. Again NOT MY FINEST HOUR.

Petite in frame (from what I could see), I felt oddly assured that she was not about that life and stared at her dead on. I could see her mouth moving, likely cursing me out 11 Different Ways. Nevertheless, I remained unbothered.

She then managed to jump in front of me, yet again. As she did so, she began reaching in her backseat with vigor and determination. I could definitely make out that she was reaching for something with determination because I saw her hand snake back so fast as her eyes remained glued to the road in front of her.

At that point, a sick feeling came over me and I just knew it was time for me to fall all the way back. I didn’t know if she was reaching for a gun or what, but I knew that people have lost their lives or been seriously injured over road rage…

I just did not want that for me. For my family, friends, and loved ones. 

With not a car in sight, I immediately reversed and switched lanes as fast as I could.

However, I knew that I still needed to go forward to get to work — and the woman in question, diagonally parked her car so that I wouldn’t get through. Yes, y’all heard me right. She legit PARKED her car in the middle of the street. Y’all she was waiting for me to pull up and at that point I was officially freaking the heck out. She was hanging out the car ready. Door open, head cocked to the side. Posted up, all 5’2 of her — and for somebody so small to be so confident with it… I was for sure she was packing.

Was she going to shoot me?

Hit my car?

I mean people have done pretty scary things for less, so I couldn’t be too sure.

I do think it’s necessary to point out that this was all happening in the middle of the street and at 6:25 in the freaking morning y’all.

What I didn’t realize while all of this was going on, was that a man had been watching our fast and the furious interaction the entire time.

He pulled up beside me as I attempted to figure out how I was going to get through without interacting with her. I was nervous initially because I couldn’t be sure who he was rooting for.

Petite frame lady in the blue car or the big body Benz pushing the Jeep? I’m the big body Benz lol in case you were wondering.

Anyway, I just couldn’t be sure.

In the end, it turned out that he was rooting for me. My uniform and badge may have aided in that.

With an obnoxious “what the hell expression” directed at my opponent, he made a dramatic show of heroism. He approached her self made impasse (his big body Black Tundra in tow) and made a move to get her to… well move. It worked because he completely blocked her from blocking my path. Furthermore opening the lane up for my entry and ultimate pass through the street.

As I drove on by, and waved my hand out the window in thanks — he remained.

Now I’m not sure what the end of all that came to be, but I sure was thankful he was there. If not, only God knows what could have been my story instead.

In any event, I tell this story as a cautionary tale. Please y’all do not partake or allow yourself to be bated into a road rage incident. It’s NOT WORTH IT. Do not lose your life over something as petty (in the grand scheme of things) as a driving situation. Let it go. You are not less than a person, to see BS and look the other way. Also a helpful tip! Stay away from that loud banging music that might contribute to amping you up. Lord knows it does a number on me from time to time lol. Again, it’s not worth it.

From a changed woman who officially no longer participates in road rage,


P.S. sorry mom, I promise I’ll do better. 😉

friendly reminder, new blog posts on With Love, Thelms every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for you babes’ viewing pleasure.


Based in Southeast Texas, “WITH LOVE, Thelms” shares my lifestyle choices related to food, health, beauty, & style with love.

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