

The Oxford Dictionary defines, habit as an “action you do often and almost without thinking” as is the case when a routine is done daily with constant repetition.

By definition that is the beauty of daily habits. That you would become so accustomed to doing them that they would develop into a routine you don’t question — you just do.

Personally, I’ve always been of the belief that habits performed daily have the ability to turn your day around. Or even get your day started off wonderfully. We can’t always get ahead of the chaos that each day might bring, but we can certainly get ahead of how we move through it with daily habits we create for ourselves. Habits that are meant to keep us grounded, focused, and thoughtful. Which have the ability to shape the way we view our lives and all that encompasses it.

To be honest, I find that when I partake in my daily habits I am:


More thoughtful,



& focused.

Things I want for all of you always.

So today I’m sharing a few daily habits that can lead to a more purposeful life:

Prayer: There’s something so beautiful about casting all your burdens onto the Lord. He is such a safe space and when you lean into that and him… assurance and comfort will follow. When I talk to God about the day ahead of me or what I have planned — I feel so much peace. It’s honestly my favorite daily habit.

Working out/Physical activity: I recently started working out everyday when I’m off and wow. What a difference it has made in how I start the day and my mood after. Granted I am a morning person and don’t find it difficult to start the day — working out in the morning helps ease my anxiety about the day ahead of me.

Gratitude List: last year, I wasn’t in the best headspace for a plethora of reasons. I shared the ins and outs of that headspace with my mom who suggested I keep track of the things I’m grateful for. A “helpful reminder” she called it to be cognizant of that list on not so great days. I can honestly say it’s been such a saving grace y’all. Too often we are focused on everything we don’t have or feel like we need instead of wading in all that we have currently.

Spend time with yourself: self love is the most important love and don’t let a soul tell you different. I believe that a vital daily habit one should partake in is spending just a little bit of time with yourself. Even if it’s for 15-30mins, just a little quiet time to gather your thoughts and relax is so necessary. It helps center your mind and focus on what’s ahead.

Limit screen time: Though it can be challenging, distance yourself from what’s going on in the world — again, even if it’s for a little bit. In today’s world, it is so easy to take on everyone else’s shit.

Daily habits man. Though time consuming initially can lead to you living a more purposeful life.

& I wish that for you, hell us always.

With Love,


Daily habits



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