


Someone recently asked me, what season am I in? Season meaning, was I in a place of forgiveness, self awareness, growth, change, etc.

I loved that question because it’s not asked often enough even though it should be.


Well the season you’re in at a certain point in your life shapes so much about you during that period and as you attempt to go forward. It shapes how you think, your actions, the way you speak, and ultimately the way you connect. It dictates the person you are when someone encounters you for the very first time. Your season, is your reason. Your you. 

I understand that personally because the season I’m in (self discovery, growth, reconnecting spiritually with Christ, practicing patience + manifestation) has been doing the same to me. Shaping me that is. It has caused me to look at things different and act accordingly. Allowing me to bask in the season as best as I can. For as long as I can, until I reach a level of fulfillment that satisfies me. That guarantees that I’m ready to move forward to the next season. 

So after thinking long and hard on that, I want to ask you babes —

What season are you in?

Are you in a space where the desire to grow and learn more about yourself outweighs anything else?

Or are you feeling weighed down from your life, and want a refresh. A restart, so that you can begin again.

Maybe you aren’t in a season at all, but want to find something to commit yourself to that will ultimately result in good.

In any case,

I want you to know that whatever season you’re in, you’re more than capable of reaching fulfillment. I want you to believe that you will reach a point where your season (no matter what it may be), will result in blessings and renewed focus. I pray that if you’re in a season that isn’t focused on positive changes, it will result in such — in the long run.

It is my desire that the season you happen to be in takes you on a journey so grand you end up with more good things. Great things, that you could have never bargained for but are yours to hold & keep regardless.


I pray that this season for us all, is one that fulfills our needs at this time & beyond.

To finding your purpose during this season,


friendly reminder, new blog posts on With Love, Thelms every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for you babes’ viewing pleasure.




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