Health Life


morning routine

Your morning routine matters. Even in the midst of the craziness that is midweek blues and all the things you have to get done at any given point during the day — that point remains the same. Morning routines have the ability to make a world of difference in how the rest of your day goes. If done right, they help get the day started in a way that keeps productivity flowing. I’m not even going to lie y’all. I happen to love my morning routine. Without it, I’m not sure where I’d be LOL.

So keep reading as I breakdown my morning routine, today on With Love, Thelms

Side note: Due to my job as a nurse, I’m usually up by 5am when I have to work and up at around 6am when I’m just chilling for the entire day.


Praying when I wake up is a must. It gets my spirit in the right place and allows me to commit my day to the big man above which tends to bring me great peace throughout the day. Stretching is super important to me as well because my job requires a lot of standing. Starting the day with a great stretch keeps my limbs loose and ready for the impact the day will bring. Meditating is included in my morning routine because it gives me the opportunity to center myself.


This goes without saying. I’m not sure it’s possible to feel truly refreshed if you don’t start your morning routine with a shower and an all around hygiene prep.


initially (while I’m at home), my morning routine consists of a soothing playlist that slowly wakes me up without startling me. It keeps me in a serene state enough to mentally prep for whatever the day may bring. Now when I get in the car? I guarantee you, Webbie/Trina will be playing with the intention of it jarring me into total alertness. LOL, don’t ask about the jump from soothing to ratchet. Just know it works for me.


Believe it or not, I don’t like checking my phone initially when I wake up. It tends to slow me down and make the process of getting up and ready for my day slower. After I’ve prepped most everything I need to do for the day ahead, I then check my phone. I check for pertinent email alerts that I need to respond to, social site checks happen (because I wouldn’t be a true millennial if I didn’t), and everything in between.


If you guys have been with me for awhile, you’ll remember my post about the importance of checklists. I live, breathe, and sleep checklists. So much so that without them, I’m SOL y’all. No bs. Usually I like to have my checklists written out the night before when I’m calm and everything I need to accomplish is at the forefront. I make a habit of reviewing it every morning right before I leave, so the day’s tasks are fresh in my mind.

So that’s it y’all. Those 5 things are what my morning routine consists of.

Now, that I’ve shared mine — I’d love to hear what you all’s morning routine consist of! Let me know in the comments below.


morning routine



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