Life Style


why I'm so grateful for my ex

Shouldn’t we all be though? Ever since Ariana Grande’s hit single, Thank You Next became privy to the world — it’s all us girls have been chanting. Or singing rather.

One reason being, the song is super catchy so how could you not.

The second reason? In some ways being grateful for your ex beats holding on to pent up hatred or resentment.

Because let me just tell you guys, hating someone who’s done you wrong is freaking exhausting. It’s also time better spent being productive in other ways.

Don’t get me wrong though!

Sometimes the hurt is so deep, that finding gratitude from it can be challenging. Whether it was the lying, cheating, or everything in between — being grateful for the pain it all caused can be a whole battle of its own. However, once you actively attempt to work through the hurt, you might be surprised by what you find on the other end. In my case, I found gratitude because in many ways, I wouldn’t know what I know now if it hadn’t been for my ex. Not to say that he isn’t a sack of dog poo because he is LOL. BUT, he’s a sack of dog poo I’m glad I experienced, so I won’t ever have to deal with that sort of dog poo again.

You get my drift?

SO. Keep reading as I share 3 specific reasons why I’m so grateful for my ex.

why I'm so grateful for my ex

why I'm so grateful for my ex

why I'm so grateful for my ex

1) Realized exactly what I don’t want in a man 

I’m super grateful to my ex for this particularly. There’s no better teacher than seeing what you don’t want in someone up close and personal. For me, I saw it so often that the thought of the next guy having those same qualities? I think I just vomited a little in my mouth. That’s how unappealing the thought of that is to me. I now know what I’m looking for in a man + how to shoo anyone away who doesn’t measure up.

2) Learned how to spot bullshit a mile away 

Listen. If you know, you KNOW. I think when you’re with someone who feeds you bullshit all the time, it’s hard to see past that. Probably because you’re so in the thick of it that you don’t recognize what you’re actually tolerating. You guys because of my ex, my bullshit meter is on 10,000. It works that freaking good. The moment I meet a guy, most times I’m able to tell if they’re just spitting game OR if they’re serious. Knowing the difference saves me a lot of time and it also saves me from potential heartache down the road.

3) Understood that self love trumps everything

To be honest, I think this goes without saying. If you don’t love yourself in all ways without question — can you ever be accepting of the right kind of love or recognize when you’re receiving the wrong kind?

why I'm so grateful for my ex

why I'm so grateful for my ex

why I'm so grateful for my ex

After reading some of my thoughts, I hope today’s post inspires you babes to look at your ex in a different way. Not as someone you despise, but someone you’re thankful for.

Because honestly. If they hadn’t been such a wretched pile of poo (for my babes in happier and more fulfilling relationships), you may not have found your prince. For those who are single? Being with that sack of dog shit (we’re all adults here right?) has helped you realize how much more you’re worth. It’s also left you open for someone more worthy to realize it too.

To your bullshit meter always being on 10,000 so avoiding said sacks of you know what is that much easier,


P.S. I’m wearing: a Pretty Little Thing set and Forever 21 sandals.


Photos by Tiffany King

why I'm so grateful for my ex



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