Life Style


ghosting a girl

If you’re a guy who’s recently been guilty of ghosting a girl, this one’s for you. To be honest, I can’t believe I actually have to write a PSA to boys everywhere about this.

We’re still ghosting girls? Like c’mon?! It’s 2018 and at this point you guys should know better. I’m not sure if it’s because of the person I am (straightforward/direct), but I’ve never really understood the purpose of the disappearing act.

However, before going ham on my thoughts about ghosting a girl — I’m going to share some outfit details first (because I know you babes will ask).

This look. 

I absolutely love this dress. It’s so feminine, minimalistic, and basically everything I look for in my clothing. As has been the case for the past few months, I initially purchased this dress for a wedding. BUT, I didn’t take into account how sheer the cream would be and figured it was much too nude for a wedding. With the whole rule about weddings and being a guest and all. Ya know? Knowing that, I had to switch my look up a bit and go with a more traditional color like navy blue.

P.S. I chatted about the Do’s and Don’ts of being a wedding guest if you missed it, here


I definitely hope to make use of this dress very soon. 😉

Now that deets on this look are out of the way, let’s jump to the main attraction.

SO, keep reading for ‘why ghosting a girl is never the answer boys‘.

ghosting a girl

ghosting a girl

ghosting a girl

Did I already mention that ghosting a girl should never be the answer.

Here’s the thing:

If you don’t want to continue entertaining a girl because you’re no longer interested in her (or you secretly have a girlfriend and have had a come to Jesus moment & are tired of cheating on her), SAY THAT.

Well, I could see how you may not want to share the latter, but still… say something. It’s so comical to me how guys constantly present themselves as macho, straight forward, and all knowing when a majority of the time they’re only 2 of the 3.

Sometimes even 1 of the 3, if we’re being honest.

It takes a macho and straight forward guy to shoot it to any woman you have remotely entertained straight. Although you think it may hurt her or make things awkward, I promise it will be much more awkward if you disappear. I mean think about it for a second and consider how shitty ghosting a girl actually is.

Imagine if you were the one being ghosted:

You really like a girl, I mean really like her. After a few days of Facetime and texting, since the initial meeting you want to see her. You text her wondering about the next time she’s free and BAM.


No text back, no acknowledgement that she got your text.

Absolutely nothing.

Now tell me you don’t feel absolutely shitty. That confusion and sinking feeling in your chest… yeah that one right there.

It’s the worst and is something no person should ever have to experience.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I never said that shooting it straight would be easy. It never really is, especially if the girl thought things were going great. BUT in the long run, she will be disappointed (maybe) and still have no choice but to respect you. You know, with the whole shooting it straight and all.

After all, as a woman myself — I’d prefer honesty over a bs move like that. Why? Well because like I said I am a woman and what do women do when things are left unspoken; stew and overthink.

We tend to consider what we could have done differently in terms of texting, phone calls, and the very initial introduction. When the reality of the situation is that there was nothing to change or do differently. It just so happens that sometimes it just isn’t there and it’s not something the girl should overthink and stew about.

As my brother would say, it just may be an ‘it is, what it is’ type of deal and on to the NEXT.

Which is why guys should never ghost girls.

ghosting a girl

ghosting a girl

ghosting a girl

ghosting a girl

I sure hope that if you’re a guy reading this post, it makes you think twice before pulling the disappearing act on yet another girl.

To always shooting shit straight,

Thelms xx

Photos by Tiffany King

ghosting a girl



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  • Reply
    Crissy Criswell’s
    August 3, 2018 at 4:47 pm

    Outfit😍 also I was recently ghosted, I hope he sees this post🙌🏽

    • Reply
      August 3, 2018 at 7:46 pm

      Thanks babe! ugh loser boys I tell you. They don’t ever know better smh.

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