Life Style


The Bold Type

Ever just watch a show and it inspires you to change your whole life? Or at least make plans to do so at some point? Well, that’s what Freeform’s hit series, ‘The Bold Type‘ has caused me to do — or want to do.

For all the babes, that have known about the goodness that is this TV show — would you believe me if I told y’all that I had never watched a single episode, until a few days ago?!

What is wrong with my life?

After making it two episodes in, I finally saw what all the rage was about.

You guys, it’s gooooood. So good that I obvi finished an entire season in a few hours. I kid you not.

From the main characters of the show (Kat, Sutton, and Jane), to the fashions that exude girl power and compliment their style tenfold, plus the advice the show provides for every millennial babe — it’s no wonder that I can’t get enough.

Quite frankly, neither should you babes.

Nevertheless, if you’ve been living under the same rock I just got out of for the past year, I encourage you to come to the surface.


Keep reading for 7 reasons, Why ‘The Bold Type’ is the TV Show All Millennials Should Be Watching. I promise coming up for air under the rock will be so worth it.

The Bold Type

The Bold Type

The Bold Type

The Power in Being Bold

1. The show will teach babes the power of being a bold badass in what feels like three easy steps (work it, do you, and take risks). It’s a feminist call to action simply put. This resonated with me on such a major level because one could always be bolder in life. I could always be bolder in life, love, and the pursuit of my passions. It stands to reason that to live our best lives, why shouldn’t we go after what we want with a passion so deep — the world has no choice, but to step aside and let us take the reigns of our own lives with grace.

Best Friends Anyone Could Have

2. Jane, Sutton, and Kat remind viewers every episode that it is important to have the best group of girlfriends imaginable. Girlfriends that support you, prompt you to live your best life, and all the while have fun with you while doing so. Of course it’s required that you hold them down as equally as they do you because duh. Even if that means in a fashion closet, no matter the location (you have to watch the show to get this reference).

Having It All Together: Unrealistic

3. Being a millennial can be pretty exhausting you guys, let’s be honest. We’re into everything and nothing all at once. Immersed in an era that reminds us that we need to have it all figured out by age 25. The women of, ‘The Bold Type’ make it okay not to have it all figured out. *le sigh After all, Sutton is 26 years old and someone’s assistant for goodness sake. Someone’s super fabulous assistant, might I add. In any event it goes to show that as long as you’re doing what you love and pursuing it with unrelenting passion, it’s okay not to be exactly where society deems appropriate.

Never Ending Rom Com

4.  Who doesn’t love a good RomCom? This show works into every episode the defining characteristics of what it is to be a romantic comedy. From the inner workings of the various cast members’ relationships with their counterparts to the rapor (love & comedy) the girls share among each other. It is left to reason that this tv show implements romance while making you laugh, cry, and everything in between. I couldn’t think of a better rom com situation smashed into a TV Series (well Sex and the City) if I tried. If you can, keep it to yourself LOL. No I’m serious. Keep it to yourself because this is about, ‘The Bold Type.’

Social Issues Are Addressed

5. Ignorance is not cute, nor should it have ever been if it was. In today’s world, awareness about social issues is very important and the girls of Freeform’s hit series remind viewers of that constantly. With topics such as rape, assault in the workplace, the necessity of mammogram screenings, economic tribulations, and so forth being discussed — the show is the perfect forum. It starts a conversation with it being up to the viewers to further inquire about the information being discussed.

It’s Your Love Life So Make Your Own Rules

6. Quite possibly one of my favorite things about the show is the way they address the girls’ different love lives. Though as you will come to realize when you watch the show, each of the girl’s situations are very different. However, the underlying message of it all is that “you are in control of the decisions you make in your various situationships.” The show does a great job of reminding you of that fact. It also does a great job of highlighting the importance of speaking your mind and claiming or reclaiming a variety of things within your relationship (orgasms, sexual escapades, power of the voice… you name it).

Fashion At Your Fingertips

7. Now this IS my favorite thing about the show and I’m almost positive it will be you babes’ as well when you watch. What always hits home for me on most TV shows, is getting to have a peek at the styling. Getting to see how the fashions of the individual speak to who they are and will be on the show is everything. The Bold Type’s fashion does not disappoint. Jane’s feminine badass looks (mostly black in color), Sutton’s fun and flirty pieces, and Kat’s sometimes girly most times gender neutral choices outline that there’s a style option for every babe. I’d like to think I’m a mix of mostly Jane and Sutton, with a dash of Kat.

The Bold Type

The Bold Type

The Bold Type

With all the different reasons I listed for Why ‘The Bold Type’ is the TV Show All Millennials Should Be Watching, I hope it’s made you consider two things:

1) To forsake all plans you had today and go watch ‘The Bold Type’ on Freeform, duh & 2) To desire to be bold and fearless in all aspects of your existence: in life, love, and the pursuit of all your passions.

From one bold and fearless woman to the next,

Thelms xx

I’m wearing: H&M white button down, Forever 21 cropped camisole (linked similar), and H&M denim.

Photos by Tiffany King

The Bold Type





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