Life My Words


Dear Mama

To explain how much I love you, is to explain why plants move towards light or need water. You gave me life 23 years ago, and these days now more than ever, I’m so thankful for that.

You are the best woman I know.

The smartest, the most hardworking, the best problem solver, a great listener.

You are the best woman I know and will ever know.

I am so thankful that you are my mom. I know that I could not have become the woman I am, if it weren’t for you and Daddy, but especially you. Everyday I get up and fight the good fight when it comes to school or just life in general, it’s because my goal in life is to be even just half the woman you are.

You are my goal.

To do great things in life and make an impact is my goal in life and that’s because of you. Some of my best memories with you (as a child) are going to the “Red Library” on Saturday mornings. I didn’t realize it back then, but those were THE best times. You allowed me to explore and encouraged me to gain as much as I could from a book — indirectly teaching me that knowledge is KEY. Back then, I didn’t realize it but you were always directly and indirectly schooling me on life. You get me like no one in this life will ever get me, and I continue to realize that now more than ever. I’d like to think it’s because we’re similar in many ways. When I was younger, I didn’t appreciate you enough because I thought you were a hard ass who wouldn’t give me a break — how untrue those sentiments actually were. I find myself regretting those thoughts because it was wasted time spent. I was a frivolous teen who thought she knew it all. These days I realize, now more than ever how little I actually knew. However, I now know so much more because of you.

Thank you for being the best woman I know and will ever know.

Your daughter,



Dear Mama




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