Life Style


bucket list

Happy Memorial Day babes!

I just want to start off this post before I get into anything else, by saying thank you.

If you’re like me, you either know someone; love someone, or have lost someone who served or is serving our country. Men and women throughout our country, have committed their lives to protect us all on the homefront. They face evils and wickedness unknown to us, so that we can continue leading the lives we live (and cherish so very much).

So thank you. To every soldier fighting the good fight and those we’ve lost along the way.

Thank you for fighting for us and making a commitment to bleed red, white, and blue no matter the cost.

With all the men and women who have fought and are still fighting to keep us safe, it’s got me thinking.

This might be a stretch to some. BUT. This day reminds me that life is too short and in order to appreciate the little things, we must live and I mean truly LIVE.

There’s so much I want to do in this life and see — I mean is that not what they’re fighting for in a sense? To allow us the opportunities as Americans to be safe while exploring (living/breathing in) the United States, but also the world.

So on this day, I’ve done things a little differently by doing more than just saying thank you. I’ve decided to recommit myself to living, experiencing, and just being.

Because 25’s a good age to revisit and reevaluate, I’ve decided to come up with a bucket list for my pre-25 years.

I’m 22 now, so a lot and I mean a lot can happen in the next 2 1/2 years.

Keep reading for my pre-25 bucket list:

bucket list

bucket list

bucket list

bucket list

bucket list

  1. Travel with my best friend. Granted it’s the most cliche thing in the world to add to a bucket list, but it’s part of mine. I want to see the world, but I’ll settle with one destination for starters and add stamps to my passport as I go forward in the nearest of futures.
  2. Become a published writer. One of the main reasons I started this blog is because I love to write. I love to share. Writing has always been something that helped me document the best days, so I’d remember them forever AND work through my feelings on the worst days when I felt like all I had was myself. Whether it’s an article in a magazine, a column for the local newspaper or a book — I just want to see my name in fine print and know that my words are adding value to something or someone’s life.
  3. Learn how to sew. Here’s the thing. I know how to do little bullshit stuff like fix a messed up button, sew a gaping portion of fabric shut… the little things. However, I have not really mastered taking a piece of fabric and making it into something tangible (or wearable). Yet.
  4. Overcome my fear of cats. So the jury is still very much out on this. I’m feeling super empowered as I write this into the bucket list, but come morning… this part of the list may have been a fantasy (getting deleted and never to be seen again). If you’re a friend of mine reading this, don’t get any bright ideas — THE JURY IS STILL OUT ON THIS.
  5. Run. A mile, a race, a marathon, the neighborhood block… I want to become a runner. Someone who lets off steam by running when they’ve had a bad day. Who runs because they just want to clear their mind. Hell, someone who runs just for the sake of freaking running. I want to run, maybe not as much as Forest, but just a little bit like the everyday literal sporty spice.
  6. Learn how to ride a bike. No, you didn’t read that wrong. Yes, my name is Thelma and in 2017 I still don’t know how to ride a bike. I reeeeeally want to learn though! My dad tried to teach me when I was younger, but I was so concerned with scraping my knees that I never committed to the process. Needless to say, after my 100th meltdown — my dad let me go inside and play with my barbie dolls and he never tried to get me up on a bike again. Probs one of my biggest regrets to be honest, not learning that is. I see so many babes riding around the neighborhood on their bikes, and I feel like the ultimate loser. Who’s up to teach me?
  7. Attend a music festival. Unlike most of the millennial world it seems, I’ve never been to a festival let alone a music festival before. I really want to change that. A friend of mine mentioned to me a few days ago that I look like the type to go to a rave, and was surprised to find out I’d never been. It got me thinking about the fact that I haven’t even been to a festival before. That’s got to change!
  8. Try Cryotherapy. I’ve heard so much about this in the past few months and have been doing tons of research into it ever since. If you don’t know what cryotherapy is, it’s like a big chamber you go into for a limited amount of time that is cold as shit. It’s supposed to be really good for cell renewal, weight loss, and overall purification of your body inside and out. I’ve always been the person that’s obsessed with the latest and greatest when it comes to skin, so I’m eager to try it out.
  9. Take piano lessons. I’ve always been interested in music, but I’m not much of a singer. I’m actually a shit singer, but I swear sometimes while I’m in the shower I could pass for Beyonce. LOL. I’ve always wanted to understand the method behind the madness (& beauty) of playing the piano. I really hope to learn one day and find out for myself.
  10. Graduate from nursing school. I just want to make a difference in the world and that starts by making a difference in my community. I love helping people, so I want to get the opportunity to provide aid for people who can’t provide it for themselves.

So I leave you babes with the definition of bucket list. I hope mine inspires you to not only create your own wishes and experiences with the drive to complete them, but also to really live.

Have a safe and Happy Memorial evening,

Thelms xx

buck·et list (n), a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.



Sandals: CHARLOTTE RUSSE (linked similar)

Photos by Julia Elizabeth

bucket list



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  • Reply
    May 31, 2017 at 11:25 am

    Awesome post!!

    • Reply
      May 31, 2017 at 12:20 pm


  • Reply
    Zayda Cortez
    May 31, 2017 at 9:47 pm

    Omg Thelms! For one, I know you’ll be published one day. I do love your writing style so much. And LOL at the bike. I can barely swim then again I think I’m a mermaid so I’m a mermaid who can’t swim. Does that mean I’m more of a dead fish? LOL anyway, awesome post. I need to get mine together for things to do before I’m 30. #yikes anyway now I’m inspired 🙂

    • Reply
      June 1, 2017 at 1:55 pm

      LOL at the swim thing. I’m kind of excited because I don’t feel alone hahaa. We’re both struggling in one way or the other. No dead fish! Let’s go with more of a chill fishy lol?! I can’t even believe you’re about to be 30 in three years!! You have such a beautiful, youthful face. #gooooals

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