


Hi babes! Good morning. So I have to come clean before I get into anything. On Instagram, I promised new things were coming to the blog this week and this is the newest post since… yeah. I got slammed with a bunch of things for school, so that’s been my life for the past few days. Tough. Although, yesterday was extremely pleasant. I shot a ton of Missguided, and I am so excited to share with you guys. Everything on their site has been so yummy and even harder to resist. Each time I go on the site, I’m just having a looky I tell myself. I then end up with things in my shopping cart shortly after getting a confirmation email that I made a purchase… AGAIN.


So the reason you’re here with me today: THRIFTING.

I absolutely get a kick out of thrifting. It can be hard work, but the end result is so rewarding. I started thrifting when I was 16 and have been obsessed with it ever since. I mean it’s kind of hard not to be, when you’re snagging some really worthwhile items for cheap. SCORE! Today, I’m headed to the thrift shops with one of my good girlfriends and she’s never been before. Needless to say, I’m breaking her thrifting virginity wide open (totally sounded better in my head). Her lack of thrifting started to make me wonder, do people go thrift shopping as often as I initially thought? Do people know the awesome benefits of thrifting?



There are so many benefits of thrifting, the main one being snagging things for cheap. I can’t tell you how many items in my closet I’ve managed to get a hold of from thrifting alone. Many people gawk at certain pieces I wear and would never guess that I purchased it for less than $10. STEAL! 

Another benefit is the likelihood of someone having the exact item that you got is pretty slim. Thrifting is the business of reselling, so you’re less likely to see two identical items being resold by two different people.

Finding pieces that are unique is another benefit of thrifting. Clothing that may have gone out of style or are no longer in season, can usually still be found at these shops. You can take those unique pieces and make it your own; bringing things like authentic corduroy from the 90’s into your wardrobe.

Now, thrifting is not easy. Though the benefits are magnificent, it does take work. You have to have the patience, determination, and will to go thrifting. Finding quality items takes time, and if you don’t possess those qualities you will be disappointed by your results.

love + light tribe.

xx Thelms




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  • Reply
    November 25, 2016 at 10:03 am

    Those jackets are giving me life right now. Good one girl. Love your blog

    • Reply
      November 27, 2016 at 3:50 pm

      They’re so good! & Thank you so much. 🙂

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