Categories: LifeStyle



It’s always the reflective response we have to any yes or no question we’re asked. I’m not even totally sure why. I guess it’s our minds way of combating the demands of everyday life by putting ourselves in an automatic “no mode.” No to a drink with the girls. No to art museum escapades. A quick no to damn near everything, instead of simply saying yes. Though at times it can be beneficial (allow you the opportunity to get things done, play things safe), it can also hinder growth in many ways.

After recently discovering this — I have challenged myself to say yes to things more. I’m on this whole new kick to get things shaking in my life in more ways than one.

& I want you babes to be on the kick with me.

SO, keep reading for 6 Things to Always Say Yes To. I’m almost positive that by doing so, shaking up our lives (in a good way) will be sure to happen soon enough.

Travel. I think it’s so important to explore the world as much as you can. When the opportunity presents itself have at it babes. Go make new memories and learn about different places and their cultures. But not to be confused. Travelling doesn’t mean solely going outside of the country. Picking up and leaving your city, especially if it’s to somewhere you’ve never been before — now that’s travel just as much as it is to leave the country. After all, there’s so much to learn when you throw yourself in different types of environment. Even if that means cutting back on a few things, to get some travel time in — DO IT. It’s something I def will be saying yes to as much as I can going forward.

Meeting new people. I think this is so important in today’s society especially. No one should ever be too comfortable in their close knit circle that they are afraid to step outside of that and make new friends — or just meet new people, plain and simple. There’s so many benefits that stem from doing so. I’m talking: self-confidence, self reflection, exposure to other personalities, building work and social connections. So many benefits, let me tell y’all. I find that I tend to learn so much more about friendships, relationships, and interactions overall.

Help. You guys this is major. I myself have struggled with this at times for many reasons. For one, I don’t like relying on other people beside myself. Two, I’m an extremely independent person that sometimes sees asking for help as defeat. & three, I really don’t like burdening people. However, in the past few months I have realized that there is no shame in admitting that you’re struggling. Saying yes to help doesn’t make you a failure or a loser. Instead, I now see it as a defining characteristic of someone who has great courage and self awareness.

Scary, but amazing opportunity. Ah! This has got to hit home for a ton of you! Just because an opportunity is amazing doesn’t mean that it won’t be scary. Often times, the best opportunities are the scariest.Why? Well they force you out of whatever comfortable shell you have created and throw you to the wolves (so to speak). Those opportunities are meant to help you grow and become better. Much better than you could have ever been nice and cozy in an environment of familiarity. So say yes. That scary, but amazing opportunity may be the start to the rest of your life. Trust me. 

Taking a personal day. We all need them, let me tell you. Rest is one of the most important things your body needs to have to recharge. No one ever accomplished anything efficiently while tired and worn the heck out. If you’re feeling like you need to cut back in any way, do that. Whether it’s the $$$, friends, bf/gf, or school — they will all be there when you get back. Turn your personal day to whatever it needs to look like to get you back on track and being the best most productive version of yourself. Your mind and body, will most definitely thank you.

Love. You just never know when it will hit you. It could be at the worst time in your life when you’re not open to it. It could be during the most amazing time in your life, when you don’t have time for it. However, it should be something we all should always say yes to.

To saying yes more and shaking up our lives,


I’m wearing: Pretty Little Thing wrap top (shop similar), Forever 21 skort, and Dolce Vita heels.


Photos by Tiffany King



Based in Southeast Texas, “WITH LOVE, Thelms” shares my lifestyle choices related to food, health, beauty, & style with love.

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