Life My Words


22 things I learned


As you may be able to guess, my birthday is on its way (tomorrow to be exact), so I figured I’d share 22 things I’ve learned before turning 23 tomorrow. Also, be sure to check out the blog for a special post commemorating my birthday.

Keep reading for, 22 THINGS I LEARNED BEFORE TURNING 23.

22 things I learned

1. Red or colored lips really aren’t my thing: I’ve honestly tried you guys. The thing is colored lips are just not meant for me and I’m finally okay with it. I don’t know. I guess colored lips always make me feel like I have a ton of makeup on. Everything just looks super cakey and over the top, all of which I’m not a fan of. Don’t get me wrong though! Love the colored thing on a ton of you babes, but me?! Maybe I’ll have another go at it in a few years.

2. It’s okay to wish things had gone differently, but it’s not okay to dwell on the fact that things didn’t: Dwelling is time consuming. I am now a firm believer that if the situation can’t be fixed in that moment, leave it alone until it can. If it can’t, well it was never meant to be fixed or revisited in the first place.

3. There is true power in prayer and talking to God: Not to go super church on you babes, but by golly God is good. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to God and he’s worked it out in one way or another on my behalf. For every test, every circumstance, every challenge he’s with me every step of the way.

4. Growth in mind, body, and spirit is hard, but so worth it in the end: Growth in any capacity is always a bit challenging, but coming out on the other side… man that’s the true reward.

5. Being mistaken for a 16 year old has its perks: Though being mistaken for a 16 year old is not the first on my list of ways I wish for people to describe me, it does have its perks. Well… I’m actually still waiting to find out what exactly those perks are, but as many people who tell me how young I look — they have to be pretty splendid right? Wishful thinking.

6. Timing really is everything: My mom used to and still tells me all the time — everything happens for a reason. These days more than ever, I’m realizing how true that really is.

7. Writing, reading, or watching TV truly are my happy places: Going out and partying isn’t everything. To be honest I think it’s wild that people would rather be out “in the streets” than cuddled up in bed some nights with a good book in hand, a great TV show to binge, or great thoughts to jot down. I mean don’t get it twisted, I love to go out but it isn’t everything to me. There’s just a sense of serenity that comes over me knowing that I’m headed to bed and nowhere else for the rest of the night.

8. Peanut Butter on whole wheat toast topped with bananas and honey is easily the best snack of all time: I’m honestly not sure who initially introduced me to this. I think it was my best friend Haley, but either way I’m thankful. Never have I had a snack that is nutritious, but still appeases my sweet tooth. If you haven’t ever tried this, go do it now. Just don’t forget to thank me later, ok?

9. Late fees are a thing, and they freaking SUCK: I hate you late fees, always and forever. Though I do kind of thank you for making me a bit more responsible. I still hate you and so does the rest of America.

10. My mom is always right, ALWAYS: In the past year especially, I have really grown to appreciate my mom in many different ways. She is easily one of the smartest, most detailed women I’ve ever known, and I’m lucky to call her MY mom. M angel on Earth that one is.

11. Changing someone is impossible af: I’m a fixer. When I see something that needs fixing, I come up with methods to fix the issue and sometimes that translates into trying to change a fuck boy into a great man. Thing is, the two don’t correlate. The fuck boy’s got to want to be a great man. That’s not something I can want for him, no matter how hard I try to make that want a reality.

12. Not every Mexican restaurant serves great food: Breaks my soul that I have to even type this because up until a few months ago I swore this was impossible. How could Mexican restaurants serve bad food? I learned the hard way that this indeed can happen when I went to a not so great Mexican restaurant with a girlfriend a few months back.

13. The importance of trying new things: Trying new things freaks me out. I get into my head about all the things I’ve done plenty times over than I’m comfortable with and wish I could disappear. Then something wild happens – I try the new thing and I end up falling in love with it. Hmph.

14. To stop wishing for MORE, and just be thankful for right now: Living in the now is so important. It’s so easy to constantly wish for everything. Time is too short to be wishing on a star hoping that someday they’ll align in your favor. LIVE and allow your stars to align along the way.

15. Adulting is hard af: Whoever glamorized adulting when I was younger…shame on you. Yes, adulting has its perks like staying out late, buying whatever our wittle hearts desire, travelling, but man… some days are hard af.

16. Some will go and some will stay: This is just a natural part of life. Not everyone is meant to stick around forever. Only God knows why. The best we can do is let them go all the while wishing them well. Unless they stole your bf or something… then there will be no wishing them well of any kind LOL.

17. Not everything requires closure: Some things will just end without any true reason and seeking closure at that point is just futile and unnecessary.

18. Keep all options open: Life changes everyday and sometimes things we saw going one way yesterday, go the complete opposite way the next. Keeping an open mind the endless possibilities of what could happen, make adjusting to changes that much easier. Trust me.

19. Guard your heart: Not everyone is meant to know you and all the wonderful things that make you, you. This honestly is one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned in the past year. Our love is to be earned, fought for, and protected once given away. Never forget that xx.

20. Always have a Plan B, C, & D: I’m pretty sure somewhere in the book of statistics (if there even is one), there’s a 88% chance Plan A will fail. 65% chance Plan B will fail, and so forth. Get my drift?

21. The importance of loving yourself: Instead of focusing on everyone or everything else, focus on you. Spend time with you and begin to understand and accept who you are. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE will ever accept you fully if you clearly don’t accept yourself. By not accepting yourself completely, you do yourself an injustice. You prohibit the allowance of people getting to know you in all your glory.

22. & still after 22 years, I still have so much more to learn. 

22 things I learned




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  • Reply
    Lauren Alston
    November 11, 2017 at 3:40 pm

    Thelms, not going to lie, when I first discovered your blog I thought you were 17 or 18! Peanut butter toast with bananas is my favorite breakfast, I have it almost everyday! Happy 23rd!!
    xx, Lauren |

    • Reply
      November 13, 2017 at 2:23 am

      LOL being mistaken for younger than I am is the story of my life. Ha! No, but the peanut butter toast is the best snack of all tiiiiiiiime. Thank you!! xx

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